To interact with an AI Chatbot, based on a Large Language Model, you write a prompt. But is it important how you interact with the AI?
We are also always working to make sure that the model is better at understanding what it is that you are trying to ask, and getting you the answer that you want without you having you to ask in a certain way.
Instagram post from OpenAI
In a recent TU Graz Teaching Academy Focus Talk on Prompting for Lecturers by Mag. Lothar Lackner, 4 stages of prompting were classified:
1. Prompt Seed: This is the simplest prompt, where the user provides a direct instruction, like “Generate an image of a cat.” This basic level serves as a foundation for further refinements.

2. Prompt Design: Here, additional details are added to improve specificity, such as “Generate an image of a cat wearing a wizard hat.” This improves the AI’s contextual understanding, leading to more relevant results.

3. Prompt Engineering: At this stage, prompts are crafted with an advanced understanding of the AI’s strengths and limitations. Phrasing becomes more nuanced, like “Generate a cute and fantastical image of a cat wearing a wizard hat.“, which enhances the quality and imaginative output.

4. Chained Prompting: This advanced technique involves using multiple prompts in sequence to guide the AI through a complex task. For instance, a first prompt could generate a story idea about a magical cat, followed by a second prompt to narrate the story, and finally a third prompt to create an illustrative image based on the narrative. This chaining approach improves the depth and coherence of multi-step outputs.
Generate an idea for a story about a magical cat
Title: The star stray - The adventures of Luna, the magical cat
Synopsis: In a small village on the edge of an enchanted forest lives Luna, a seemingly ordinary cat with bright blue eyes and silver fur. But Luna guards a magical secret: she is the guardian of the stars and can travel through the dream world at night to protect people and animals.
Story: One night, a curious child named Leo discovers Luna in an alley picking up a small star that has fallen from the sky. Astonished, Leo follows the cat into the forest and watches as she magically lifts the star into the air so that it can return to its place in the night sky. When Luna realizes that she is being watched, she decides to introduce Leo to her world of magic, but only on one condition: Leo must promise to keep her secret.
Together, the two experience incredible adventures. They travel to the dream world, where Luna fights as the protector of dreaming souls. They encounter fantastic creatures such as the Night Paws, small shadow creatures that spread nightmares, and the Star Elves, who preserve the light.
But one day, a particularly important star disappears, and without it, the balance between day and night threatens to tip. Luna and Leo set off on a dangerous journey into the depths of the dream world to find the star and bring it back before the balance of the world is destroyed. In the process
Tell the story of the magical cat who finds the magic hat
Title: Luna and the Magic Hat of Mystery
In a small, enchanted village on the edge of an ancient forest, there lived a magical cat named Luna. Luna was not like other cats – her eyes shimmered like the light of the stars, and she could move through the shadows at night without leaving a trace. But as powerful as Luna was, she knew that there were still many secrets in the world of magic that she did not know.
One evening, during a heavy storm, Luna sensed a mysterious energy calling her into the forest. Curious, she followed the call and came to an ancient tree whose branches reached like arms towards the sky. At her paws lay an old, somewhat battered hat, surrounded by a blue light. The hat seemed to whisper, as if it were alive, and Luna immediately sensed that this was no ordinary hat.
Slowly, almost reverently, Luna put the hat on. No sooner had she done so than she felt a warm wave of energy surge through her body. The hat began to glow and small sparks danced around her ears. Suddenly, Luna heard a voice in her head – it was the ghost of the old magician Azarius, who had once been the most powerful magician in the land. He told Luna that the hat had a special magic: it gave its wearer the ability to see not only the visible world, but also the hidden secrets that lay in the shadows and in the hearts of men.
Luna was fascinated and began to explore the hat's abilities. With it, she could suddenly hear the thoughts of animals and even people. She could see through closed doors and discover secrets that remained hidden even from the wisest magicians. But Azarius warned her: “The power of the hat is great, but it is also a burden. You may only use it to do good and to protect those who trust you.”
Over the next few weeks, Luna became the village's secret protector. She helped lost animals, found buried treasure and resolved conflicts that lay deep in the hearts of the villagers. The people didn't know that their saving hand was a clever little cat that prowled their streets at night.
But one night, the hat was stolen by an evil witch named Morgana. Morgana had learned that the magic hat could give her immense power and planned to cast dark curses on the village. Luna was determined to get the hat back and stop Morgana.
In a thrilling chase through the enchanted forest, Luna confronted the witch and demanded the hat back. Morgana just laughed and tried to cast a curse on Luna. But Luna, protected by the magic of the hat that she carried in her heart, overcame the curse and was able to outwit Morgana with her cleverness and courage. In the end, she managed to reclaim the hat and drive Morgana out of the forest.
When Luna returned to the village, she knew she was no longer the same. She had not only won the hat and its secrets, but also the wisdom to use it wisely. From then on, she kept the hat safe in the old tree and only visited it when her magic was truly needed.
The villagers never knew who was protecting them all these years, but sometimes, when the moon was high in the sky and a soft glow could be seen in the forest, they told each other stories of a magical cat with a magic hat watching over them – and Luna, the star cat, smiled in the darkness and continued her adventures.
Now generate a detailed image of the scene in which the magical cat puts on the magic hat

Texts generated with ChatGPT 4o, images generated with DALL·E 3
More details on prompting