An overview over practical tools for eLearning
Is Prompt Engineering Dead?
To interact with an AI Chatbot, based on a Large Language Model, you write a prompt. But is it important how you interact with the AI? We are also always working to make sure that the model is better at understanding what it is that you are trying to ask, and getting you the answer…
Prompting Techniken
(summarized and translated into German / zusammengefasst und ins Deutsche übersetzt von Schulhoff et al., 2024. Bild mit DALL·E 3 generiert.) Zero-Shot Sie geben der KI in Ihrem Prompt keine Beispiele vor. Role Prompting Sie geben in einer Rolle vor, wie die Antwort formuliert werden soll. Schreibe mir einen Bericht über Österreich. In der Rolle…
QR Code Generator – in the Age of AI
I have tried out QRBTF, an QR Code Generator, where you can input an image prompt, as in DALL E Take a look at the examples. Can you spot the QR features?
OER Poster: Understanding LLMs – The Role of Word Embeddings
Understanding LLMs – The Role of Word Embeddings
OER about Vigenère encryption
German OER zu Vigenère Verschlüsselung
Open Images
So many good photos are waiting…
Using AI in education
More to come…